The systemtruststores project tracks efforts to make programming languages work with TLS certificates from your operating system’s native truststore.

If you’ve ever encountered a TLS error like this:

certificate verify failed:
unable to get local issuer certificate

Then system truststores can help you!

If you’re interested in the problem that they solve, or how language support can be implemented for them, read the in-depth Rationale.

Built-in support

The following languages (or their runtimes) have built-in support for the system truststore on the following platforms:


On macOS the truststore is the Keychain.

Language System truststore support? Default behavior? Since How to use
Deno Yes No v1.13.0 Guide
Go Yes Yes v1.3 Guide
Java Partial No Before Java 8 Guide
.NET Yes Yes v2.0.0 Guide
Swift Yes Yes v1 Guide


On Windows the truststore is the Windows Certificate Store.

Language System truststore support? Default behavior? Since How to use
Deno Yes No v1.13.0 Guide
Go Yes Yes v1.3 Guide
Java Partial No Before Java 8 Guide
.NET Yes Yes v1 Guide
Swift Yes Yes v1 Guide


Linux distributions don’t have a truststore API like the platforms above. See the Rationale for more details.


The following languages require you to install a library that connects to the system truststore:

Language Library Status
Node node-native-certs Work In Progress
Python truststore Work In Progress
Rust rustls-native-certs Stable

Help improve this site

Don’t see your favourite language in the lists above? Want to change something in the guides? You can help to improve this site by opening an Issue or Pull Request on GitHub: systemtruststores/